The view from atop Mt. Thirty-Something can be serene, beautiful, awe inspiring, and nauseating all in the same breath. I personally wonder how I got here, and where exactly is the way down? Come with me on my journey into the everyday thoughts and questions of another Gen X-er on her way to The Promised Land.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I was out walking my dog this morning at a time that was much too early for rational thought, which may begin to explain the entry you are about to read...I'm not sure.

This guy passed me in an older model cargo van. He was being none too obvious about the fact that he was checking me out. He was marginally attractive in a "guy-who-drives-a-van" kind of way. I did the return flirtation maneuver in a "turn-and-watch-as-they-pass" kind of way. Suddenly, I was hit with this overwhelming feeling of "...DUH!!!"

A million thoughts ran through my brain. "This guy is in a van at's pitch black...he's checking out a chick with nano make-up walking a dog...He may be crazy...He is in a van, afterall...then again,it just may be a lunatic I'm looking for (obligatory Billy Joel reference)...I need coffee...Most importantly, if he is single, why is he single?"

Suddenly I was all too aware of the cynical world in which I live. A civilization that encourages us as a culture to view anyone who is over the age of 25 and still single as suspect. Anyone who is aboard this ship (of which I seem to be captain) is approached with an automatic air of suspicion. "Well, I'm single because _____________________ (insert bitter diatribe here). Why are yoooooou single?" I suppose it's to validate to the notion that the path leading us to this percieved uninhabitable wasteland of death known simply as "Single" really matters at all.

Then again, in some respects, I suppose it does. One may want to rethink the persuit of the orater of such gems as "I just did six years up state for meth charges, but I'm still holdin' out for a princess like you.", or "Yeah, those bitch ex-es of mine ratted me out for poligamy."

On the other hand, is there really any foundation for the instant trepidation one feels encountering another traveller on their journey who's passport shows equal wear and tear?

Is there really an answer? Who knows? Who dare to justify the weight of one's baggage in life but for he (or she) who bears the load? Furthermore, isn't it really "The Load", good or bad, that is the basis of that entity as a whole? When you fall for someone, under any conditions, you ultimatly have to learn to love "The Load" as well. Essentilly, baggage is what you make it. A burden for the yet undecided, or a reason to delve further into an open chasm of potential.

All introspection and longing for enlightenment aside, what it all comes down to is trusting your gut, I suppose.....Beware men in vans....Especially cargo vans. Baggage, meth, true love, or nothing at all...there could be a suit of human flesh in that puppy, and that makes for a the beginning of a bad day.

Happy Thanksgiving.